Dock Cubes For Sale at Bargain Prices Now
Complete List of All The Floating Dock Cube Companies, Products, Prices and Compatibilities.
Plastic dock cubes are a great way to build a floating dock. These docks can be modified and added to in the future, which is its greatest advantage. The biggest downside to this style of dock is stability, which can vary depending on the type and brand. Compatibility between dock cube manufacturers can also be an issue.
Often called cubes, most floating dock blocks measure 20″ x 20″ square and are 16″ usually high, see the Floating Dock Cube Standards. With these dimensions, the blocks are not actually cubes at all. There are a few modular floating dock manufactures and each of their products may be a slightly different size. This means that they may not integrate well with other manufacturers cubes, if at all. Some are a variations on the theme, while others are significantly different.
Below is the list of all the current cube dock manufacturers and distributors:

Candock: Plastic Modular Floating Docks
This company produces interlocking plastic dock cubes that are about 20 inches square. Candock are famous for putting together the surf-dock featured in the 2017 YouTube video at Kuta Beach in Kuta, Bali. The dock was as a surf pier in the ocean.
The winning dock for this stunt was the Candock cube dock system. Surfers ran and launched themselves into the breaking waves. The concept photo shoot in Bali was arranged between Stab magazine and Candock. The surf dock was a temporary installation that became popularly known as “The Dock”.
Typical installations of this type dock are far more pedestrian and dock owners have found the Candock product to be reliable, but unable to work with any other kind of floating cube dock. As a relative newcomer to the market, the Candock organization may suffer with long term quality issues, but they have built a large dealer network in both the United States and Canada. These suppliers appear to be ready to deal with issues of cube cracking and dock sinking as time goes on, but it remains to see how well the product lasts.
Candock Summary Opinion:
Candock Cube Prices: $125 Per Cube
Used Cube Pricing: $75 Per Cube
Compatibility With Other Brands: Poor

Jet Float: The Original Modular Docking Supplier
Jet Float began providing their plastic dock cubes in 1976 and they claim to be the industry pioneer and original modular docking and dock cube company.
The organization is based in Ontario Canada, but it is no longer the powerhouse it once was. The company suffers from so much competition, competitive product confusion and a complete lack of innovation that they have now fallen into a proverbial commercial backwater.
Recognized by their classic grey color, the maple leaf logo on the top center of the block and their black center pins, Jet Float dock cubes can be seen all over the US and Canada. The longevity of the product is evident with many of their older dock cubes still being seen on Craigslist nearly twenty years after their original manufacture. The product and organization are no longer seen as the industry leader due to a lack of product development and a poor support and dealer network, but are still in business.
Jet Float Inc. calls their basic product the “Standard Jetfloat”. While they do offer a double unit which has greater buoyancy and stability, the single cubes can often feel a bit rocky when a person walks on them when attached to other single cubes.
The company also offers a lower profile unit, that can be used for Jet Skis, row boats, small sailboats like the Sunfish and kayaks.
The Standard Jetfloat dimensions are 20in x 20in x 16in (50.8 cm x 40.64 cm) which is just slightly bigger than other similar dock cubes that measure in at 50cm x 50cm x 40cm (in metric terms). The Jetfloat dock cube became the international gold standard for all other dock cubes. However, this does not mean that other brands are interchangeable with the original Jetfloat, as boat dock owners may have discovered much to their chagrin.
JetFloat Summary Opinion:
JetFloat Cube Prices: $115 Per Cube
Used Cube Pricing: $55 Per Cube
Compatibility With Other Brands: Excellent

Jet Dock
Jet Dock is often confused with the original Jet Float organization that makes the Jet Float dock cubes. The Jet Dock cube even looks the same in many ways to the Jet Float variety. Jetdock steers clear of actually using the traditional grey color of their competitor “Jet Float”. But, in many ways their cubes appear quite similar. Jet Dock company also manufactures floating boat lifts and drive-on docking systems and they are located in Cleveland, Ohio.
One of the major differences with this dock to the original Jet Float Dock is that they make a cube that allows a holding pole to travel directly through the center of the cube/ This provides much better stability for the dock, but this can detract from the overall aesthetics. This organization also tries to push their “Drive on Docking” solution to boat owners. This solution compares well to boat lifts, that can run into tens of thousands of dollars. The drive-on boat solution is their biggest seller.
Using a brand name that is so close to another competitive product confuses buyers and detracts from this organization’s credibility. What is even more frustrating is that this product does not even work well with the competitive Jetfloat product, of which they have borrowed so much.
Jetdock Cube Prices: $135 Per Cube
Used Cube Pricing: $65 Per Cube
Compatibility With Other Brands: Good

Dock Blocks
With a big variation on the theme, Dock Blocks offers a product that may still be floating dock blocks, but the they connect in a radically different way compared to its competition. This can lead to integration issues with other systems and visual aesthetic problems. The shape of the block is no longer a cube and the connector is located on the sides/center of the block, not at the corners. This does provide a stronger joint between the blocks and a more stable walking area than other traditional cube block products. This more stable design means that this system will not work with any other kind of floating dock, but does provide a better product.
History has shown that the joint part of the floating dock cube has never been a safety weakness of the other dock cube design, unless the dock is in a category 1 hurricane type seas and winds. This design may be an improvement on the original, but its departure from the norm has not been well received, despite it being technically superior. This block structure is less likely to break apart in extreme weather conditions and will not become a dangerous missile capable of causing catastrophic damage during intense storms. The car in the driveway may however blow away long before this dock ever does, so there seems little point in making it so bulletproof.
Dock Blocks Cube Prices: $129 Per Cube
Used Cube Pricing: $79 Per Cube
Compatibility With Other Brands: No Compatibility

Cube Docks
Cube Docks is another cube dock manufacturer with a few of features that set them apart from other manufacturers. They offer a 45 degree corner cube which is designed to improve the docks looks. It may even make the dock stronger. Cube docks do not generally suffer from weak spots unless they are in placed compromising situations. These can include raging rapids or in hurricane winds. Cube Docks also offer a service and lighting cube unit. This allows cube owners to run wiring or lighting onto the cube dock . They also have a hole cube, that allows a pole through the center of the cube. This is done rather than at the tabs. which are really meant for connecting the cubes.
Cube Docks Cube Prices: $130 Per Cube
Used Cube Pricing: $65 Per Cube
Compatibility With Other Brands: Poor

Various Chinese Knock–Off Brands
Alibaba in China
If price is the most critical concern for buyers, then there are a few cheaper Chinese knock-off brands. They do not have the track record or support of the more established brands and no support network. Some of these Chinese brand names adopt Western sounding names, but they are really manufactured in the Republic of China. They include:
- Patriot Cubes
- Seaflo Cubes
- Clark Cubes
- Zhejiang Zhongya Industrial Cubes
The size of these cubes can be slightly different from the standard US and Canadian dock cube sizes. Owners of these cubes may have problems integrating the cubes with other dock systems. The Chinese varieties often come in at a metric measurement of 50 cm square (which is 19.685 inches) and 40 cm high (which is 15.748 inches). Long term reliability and support may be poor, but the low, low price can often be just about right.